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Showing posts from August, 2023

Short stories

 I have decided to hold from posting on this blog the short stories I've been working on until my current situation is solved. Reason is I am facing forced isolation due to some crimes I have suffered recently. It's been already a few years now. I have two stories already outlined on the way, plus a short film script I have written that I want to convert into another short story, since even a low cost independent production during my spare time seem to be taking too long to happen in any near future, as I'm not getting any help with isolation and legal amends.  I'm not backing from writing them, only from posting them here for now, so please know that this silence is only temporary. My point for making this decision is: writing fiction requires some level of isolation, but that, I understand, during a certain time slot, and I don't want this blog to become an obstacle for getting a solution to my problem.  I'm also working in a non-fiction book which isolation h...